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Five plants for your bedroom
Garden Decor Aug 01, 2023

Houseplants certainly bring a splash of greenery into our homes, but it does more than that. One of the greatest benefits of keeping plants in your bedroom is that they have the ability to improve air quality, according to a study conducted at NASA in 1989 it was found that plants were able to reduce air pollutants like benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde. Recent research has also proven that plants help in reducing stress and boost creativity.

Bedroom plants help to maintain, and in some cases increase, humidity levels by emitting water vapor during transpiration. And in addition to emitting oxygen and humidity plants produce negative ions, similar to many fancy air-purifying machines.

One of the most under-appreciated benefits of houseplants is the calming effect they have which makes them an ideal addition to your sleep space. Although we don’t have scientific evidence that a houseplant can increase your quantity of sleep, but they can turn your bedroom into a comfort zone to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Here are some of the plants that should definitely become a permanent member of your sleep space.

  1. Snake Plant

Sansevieria also known as Mother-In-Law’s tongue, is an insanely low-maintenance plant and is an optimal choice for the bedroom. Most houseplants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen during the day. However, the Snake Plant is one of the lucky few that continues to produce oxygen at night, making it the ideal plant to produce oxygen at night, making it the ideal plant to place in your bedroom for better sleep. Plants with such powerful air-purifying and oxygen producing qualities will help to combat allergies, as they remove harmful pollutants and volatile airborne chemicals that aggravate allergies, and in some cases even make you sick.

  1. Aloe Vera

Like the snake plant Aloe Vera too releases oxygen at night which makes it perfect for your sleep environment. It is also one of the easiest plants to care for, because it can tolerate neglect, it can go two-three weeks without being watered & it will be just fine. These succulent plants are also known for their medicinal benefits; the juice from their leaves can be used for scrapes and burns when applied topically.

  1. Dracaena Marginata

Dracaena, the name comes from ancient Greek, which means female dragon. Taking care of it is quite easy. It can withstand a certain amount of neglect. Should be kept in a brightly lit spot without direct sunlight. A small amount of morning or evening sun is not a problem. A fast-draining potting soil mix is highly recommended.

  1. Spider Plant

The Spider plant is perfect for a hanging planter, and quite easy to propagate; it is effective at fighting a variety of pollutants. Keep these plants in bright to moderate indirect sunlight and water occasionally during initial growth. Once the plant is about a year old, it should be watered moderately.

  1. Peace Lily

Like the plants mentioned above, peace lilies are also amazing air cleaners. It can increase the humidity of the room by up to 5%. Increased humidity is great for breathing while asleep. Peace Lilies bloom beautiful white flowers that are perfect for indoors, and are known to clean the air of formaldehyde, benzene, acetone, alcohols, and trichloroethylene. To care for a Peace Lily, keep the soil moist and place it in an area of your home that gets moderate to bright indirect sunlight.

Tags: Garden